Christina Hendricks: Scotch is sexy

25th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Christina Hendricks drinks whisky because she thought it was "sexy" when her husband ordered it at a bar.

The flame-haired actress enjoys the odd tipple, and has revealed that her favourite drink is Johnnie Walker Black. Christina now enjoys the drink after seeing husband Geoffrey Arend ordering it on a night out.

"I always thought it was sexy when he ordered scotch and I'd take little sips of his drink," she revealed in the latest edition of Men's Health magazine.

"I like mine simple, on the rocks. It's incredibly smooth on the tongue. A touch of caramel flavour. It warms everything inside."

Christina also discussed her love for her favourite bar.

The 36-year-old star thinks classic venue The Varnish is a wonderful establishment. It's also not far from where Mad Men is filmed in Los Angeles.

"Sexy, sophisticated, quiet enough for intimate conversation," she explained.

Christina didn't always have such a fun lifestyle. The stunning star spent the best part of her childhood in the Mormon region of Twin Falls, Idaho, where having a good time wasn't top of people's agenda.

"Nobody drank, nobody had much fun. I spent most of my time itching for high school to be over," she recalled. (C) Cover Media
