Courtney Love: I'm helping Lohan

30th November 2011

Courtney Love has claimed she is Lindsay Lohan's sobriety coach.

Courtney has battled a high-profile addiction to drugs throughout her life. She is now clean and has decided to use her knowledge to help other people.

Lindsay's life has been troubled lately, characterised by trips to rehab and prison sentences. She is now trying to get her life back on track and Courtney has decided to help her.

"I've taken up Lohan because nobody else will. She's further down the line than I was, because there was no [gossip website] TMZ then," she told Details magazine.

Courtney didn't reveal any more details of her relationship with Lindsay, and the younger star has not yet commented on the report.

It's not the first time Courtney has claimed she is helping Lindsay.

Earlier this year, the 47-year-old singer gave an interview in which she alleged she'd helped a number of young stars through addiction and legal problems. She insisted Lindsay once called her for advice after she was arrested, and even claimed she'd helped Kelly Osbourne after an alleged overdose.

"It wasn't that long ago when Kim Stewart was screaming, Courtney, what are we going to do? Kelly Osbourne is blue on the floor!' Kelly wasn't doing that well back then. For some reason, Kim Stewart also called me when Paris Hilton got pulled over for her last DUI. And Lindsay Lohan called me after she was arrested. The judge presiding over her case was the same judge who presided over mine. He was a very sweet man. I think he was an ex-alcoholic himself," she told "I told Lindsay to just get it together and trust the judge, and Lindsay's father called me for advice every day. I'm not even that friendly with these girls. What am I, a junkie Auntie Mame?"

Tags: Lindsay Lohan, Courtney Love,