Daniel Craig: Personal life is sacred

29th November 2011

Daniel Craig refuses to "pander" to people by discussing his marriage to Rachel Weisz.

The British stars began dating last year and married in a private ceremony in New York City in June. Their whirlwind romance caused a stir as they had both ended long-term relationships shortly before falling for each other.

Daniel understands there is interest in his private life, but he wants to keep his feelings for Rachel out of the spotlight.

"Look. I'm in love. I'm very happy. And that is as far as I'm prepared to go. Life is long, life goes wrong and I don't want to say something now that might be thrown back later," he told the January edition of GQ magazine. "Look at the sh*t that's been written already. If that is the audience that I have to pander to, if that's what I have to do to make people feel happier about me, then no, f**k em. Because my happiness, I'm sorry, is more important to me. Ultimately, people are saying, Give it six months.' Well guess what? I'm not responding. Life is long and I am hopefully in this for the long run."

The 43-year-old star has a strict rule about not discussing his personal life.

Daniel believes he needs to keep certain details out of the public domain for fear of losing his privacy.

"I think there is a lot to be said for keeping your own counsel," he explained. "It's not about being afraid to be public with your emotions, but if you sell it off, it's gone. It's precious. It's worth more than money. You can't buy it back. You can't buy your privacy back. We've been in your living room. We were at your birth. You filmed it for us and showed us the placenta, and now you want some privacy?"

The hunk went on to criticise certain reality stars for seemingly cashing in. Daniel fails to be impressed by people who crave fame and are willing to live their lives out on a television show.

"It's a career. What can I tell you? It's a career, I'm not being cynical. Any why wouldn't you? Look at the Kardashians, they're worth millions. Millions! I don't think they were that badly off to begin with, but now look at them. You see that and you think, What, you mean all I have to do is behave like a f**king idiot on television and then you'll pay me millions?' I'm not judging it. Well I am obviously. I'm probably going to get visited by people from New Jersey."

Tags: Rachel Weisz ,