Doctors Perpetrate The Amputation Of Zsa Zsa Gabors Right Leg

15th January 2011

January 15, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Sick actress, Zsa Zsa Gabor, has experienced surgical treatment to sever half of her right leg subsequent to the dissemination of a grave gangrene infection to her bone. The 93-year-old Gabor, a TV celebrity, was transported on January 2 to the UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center located in Los Angeles subsequent to the doctors uttering to Gabors husband, Prince Frederic, about the necessity of instantaneous medical action to cure the debilitating infection. Initially, the physicians had recommended a course of potent antibiotics as an option to the separation of the limb, which, however, proved ineffectual. The Prince supplied the go-ahead to the surgeons for the amputation last week, with the surgeons initially endeavoring to put off the amputation by extricating a blood clot from Gabors leg as a last-minute attempt. However, this technique failed, with amputation then being the only alternative.

Gabors spokesperson, John Blanchette, has mentioned that the Prince had been cautioned prior to the surgery that Gabor had merely a 50-50 possibility of survival. Devoid of amputation, she would definitely perish. However, subsequent to the operation of 120 minutes at the hospice, Blanchette voiced that it was a triumph, with Gabors blood pressure being standard. She will rest at the hospice for another 7-10 days and all her nearest and dearest are free from tension now.

Dr. Rigberg, who is the assistant professor of vascular surgery at the hospice, has remarked that the surgery was executed satisfactorily, notwithstanding which, due to the feeble health of Gabor, she will continue to be assessed intimately by the physicians.

Gabor, a sex symbol of Hungarian bloodline in America during the 1950s and 60s, had ruptured her hip and undergone replacement surgery in July, with her being hospitalized numerous times for swelling in her legs and bodily blood clots. Gabor has employed a wheelchair since her partial paralysis from a 2002 vehicular mishap, with her undergoing a stroke in 2005. She had acted in movies such as 1952s Moulin Rouge and 1958s Queen of Outer Space.

--Sampurn Wire
