Emma Stone: Celebrity status makes me sick

5th July 2012

Emma Stone feels "physically ill" when she thinks about becoming too famous.

The actress has appeared in many big-budget movies, the latest of which is The Amazing Spider-Man. She is thoroughly happy with her career but worries about being thrust too far into the limelight.

"That would be to not walk around would be awful," she told the latest edition of UK Vogue. "I don't think that would ever actually happen. Like, that is will ever be to the point where I can't go anywhere. But that idea makes me physically ill."

Emma began comedy acting when she realised it was a good escape from the panic attacks she suffered as a child.

She was crippled with anxiety when she was little and it's something which has stayed with her as she's got older.

"I've been following Titanic Real Time on Twitter. They're sinking in three days," she said. "I like all disasters. It's oddly soothing."

The 23-year-old star has embraced her quirks and prides herself on being unlike other Hollywood stars. It's something her good friend Taylor Swift has also picked up on.

"I admire how original [Emma] is, just being who she is," Taylor explained.

"She doesn't do anything to be different from everyone else on the planet. Somehow she just is."

Tags: Emma Stone, The Amazing Spider-man,