Emma Watson Wants to Enjoy Her Life!

21st October 2010

October 21, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Actress Emma Watson, who shot to fame for her Hermione Granger act in the very popular Harry Potter franchisee says that she is so busy that she has no time to have fun like other girls her age should have! While filming does keep the actress busy, she also has to attend college and give time to her fashion design label. The result is that the 20-year-old Emma Watson is left with no time for herself and to have fun, and though she would love to join her friends, she hardly finds time after completing shooting, designing and college work!

Emma Watson is currently filming the last installment of the Harry Potter series and she is also a student of the well-known Brown university. Apart from work related to films and college, the Hollywood actress is also busy designing her own range of eco-friendly apparel. Hence, it is but natural that she remains busy all through the year.

In a statement to the media, Emma Watson says that she is happy that she is successful at such a young age, but does regret not enjoying her life like any other girl of her age does. The actress says that she has made a mistake by taking things too seriously in life and Emma Watsons message to her fans would be to just be themselves when young. However, the actress finds it difficult herself to follow what she preaches.

Sampurn Wire



Tags: Emma Watson,