Eva Longoria Parker: Sades songs are sexy

6th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Eva Longoria Parker and her husband listen to Sade to get them in the mood for love.

The actress married basketball player Tony Parker in 2007, and they are very much in love. Tony plays for the San Antonio Spurs, based in Texas, while Eva spends much of her time shooting Desperate Housewives in Los Angeles, so they dont see much of each other.

When they are together they tend to go out for romantic meals or spend time at home, and have certain tracks they love to listen to.

Anything by Sade its very sexy, Eva said. We dont have family plans yet, you kind of have to be in the same city! But Tony and I keep the romance hot, thanks to modern technology texts and emails.

The pair have their own song, which was played when they tied the knot. It is a number by Peter Gabriel, and they were both in awe when they met him in person.

Its Book of Love by Peter Gabriel, she told Look magazine. We later met Peter at the Golden Globe Awards and hes read it was our song, so that was cool. (C) Cover Media
