Fashion Trends In India: The Lack Of Co-ordination Reason For Fashion Going Individualistic?

29th November 2010

November 29, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): India has always been one of the most talked about countries in the world of fashion be it jewelry or garments or the more specific designer wear collections.

The latest scene on Indian ramps have always managed to turn heads of even international fashion houses and urged them to sit up and take notice of the amazing styles and ideas that the younger generation of designers are incorporating in their collections.

The most significant of these designers collections are often seen at big events like the Lakme Fashion Week or The Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week, where top designers along with fresh new budding designers get to showcase their latest collections, whether it is the summer collections or the autumn winter collections.

However, despite there being no dearth in talent amongst Indian designers, there is a sort of chaos in the entire showcasing of collections. Considering the different themes taken up at different events held by top brands, there has been a trend of showcasing somewhat diverse clotheslines, like if some opt for the original seasonal collections, others go in for a skip in the coming season and jump on to the next season, which is all quite confusing to the common man.

Recently, quite a few tabloids have been reporting on the confused but free fashion trends in India. Reports are that the utter confusion in and amongst various fashion houses, are probably due to the fact that there is a lack of co-ordination between them. Each fashion house or fashion event displays whatever catches their fancy or the fancy of the designers associated with them, which leaves the others in the field quite surprised.

Now, due to this confused state of affairs in the field of fashion, India has almost all types of styles available at almost all seasons, thereby, leaving the common man quite confused as to whats in and whats not. Fashion, therefore, is quite individualistic on Indian shores, depending on ones personal choice. So whats the solution of bringing in a common platform for all designers? Well, working in total co-ordination of course, unless we would rather let each individual dictate whats in style in his or her own way!

--Sampurn Wire

