Foo Fighters create comedy rider

16th June 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Foo Fighters have created a cheeky 52-page rider, featuring a series of bizarre requests such as a recipe for ice and The Notebook on DVD.

The US rockers are renowned for their cheeky sense of humour and have had a great deal of fun putting together their latest series of demands ahead of their 2011 tour dates. The document contains several bizarre requirements such as a ban on roast beef unless "you have slaughtered it yourself", according to British newspaper The Sun.

Claiming to be fans of 2004 movie The Notebook - a slushy love story starring Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling - the Foo Fighters are also concerned about the side-effects of a certain soup.

"Roadies get bloated and become colicky when they've inhaled too much cream of cauliflower soup," the document said.

The group have revealed they are expecting to be served fresh condiments and have banned any leftovers from previous concerts. "We don't want the last few millimetres of sauce that Alice Cooper left in the mustard bottle," the rider stated.

The rockers then make a plea with the show organisers to help them fund their trip to various stadiums around the world. "We are just another band trying to make enough money to fuel our private jet, please help," they begged.

To ensure staff at the event won't get bored, the rider also includes ten-pages of colouring in sections and "activities" which the Foo Fighters expect to be completed before they take to the stage. One of the puzzles reveals a list of the foods the group has banned from their dressing room and includes chicken lips and fried beagle. (C) Cover Media
