Freida flattered by Hrithik's appreciation

30th July 2015

When an iconic dancer like Hrithik Roshan himself applauds someone else for his/her dancing skills, there are no second thoughts to the fact that the person on the receiving end of the appreciation would be hugely flattered.

And the person to receive appreciation from the icon Hrithik, is none other than actress Freida Pinto. Hrithik happened to watch Freida's film 'Desert Dancer' in which she plays a dance performer.

While watching the film, Hrithik was taken aback by some of Freida's dancing skills and later he couldn't resist himself from lauding the actress. He expressed his appreciation for her on Twitter.

Freida who is not very active on social media platforms was initially unaware of Hrithik's gesture. But when later she realised this, she was obviously on seventh heaven and commented, "Gosh, why would I ignore him? We've had a lovely email exchange. I did miss his call because I was travelling, but it's very kind and humble of him to make sure his congratulatory note reached me. I'm very thankful to him, especially since dance and respect for this art form are an inherent part of who he is."

Tags: Hrithik Roshan, Freida Pinto ,