Gemma Arterton tires of weight jibes

3rd February 2012

Gemma Arterton is "bored" of being told she looks like Susan Boyle.

The British actress has hit the headlines for her curvy frame in the past, with some people criticising her for putting on weight.

The 26-year-old refuses to bow to pressure though and has no intention of dropping dress sizes just to please others. She thinks it's unfair that people feel they can comment on her shape, especially as occasionally they are very rude.

Being compared to dowdy 50-year-old Scottish singer Susan was a step too far for Gemma.

"There was one reporter on the red carpet who said, How does it feel to know the press thinks you're fat?' And I said, How does it feel to know you are ugly and unintelligent?' It was the equivalent of me giving him a wallop. I nearly did actually," she told the March edition of UK Vogue.

"Someone else told me I looked like Susan Boyle. At first, you get really upset about it. And then you just get really bored with it. I wish I didn't give a sh*t four years ago. It's not my job to be Miss Perfect. I'm not a model, I'm an actor."

Gemma wasn't always one to turn the other cheek. As a young girl she remembers being furious when a man made sexual overtures to her while she was out with friends.

"I was quite strong-willed and not very good with boys. I was in this sh*t club in Gravesend [in the UK] and this boy pinched my a**e," she recalled. "I turned around a decked him.

"He just didn't know what hit him. Obviously, um, I did."

The actress is now happily settled with her husband Stefano Catelli, who she married in 2010.

The couple spend a lot of time apart due to Gemma's job but make sure they don't go more than three weeks without seeing each other.

He is from Italy and comes from a Catholic background and Gemma gets on well with his family.

"[His mother is] like the anti-Italian mum very chilled out," she laughed.

"We decided not to have a religious ceremony, and we were worried that it might upset Stefano's family but they were so happy for us, because they could see we really love each other."

Tags: Gemma Arterton,