Gerard Butler dating Virgin' girl

27th September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Gerard Butler has reportedly started dating a Virgin Mobile model.

The actor met Sarah Carroll at a Hollywood event last week and they have become close since, Life & Style magazine claims.

Sarah is most famous for her role in the cell phone commercial where she co-stars with, Spencer Falls, to depict a celebrity couple called Sparah.

"Gerard and Sarah met at the premiere for his new movie Machine Gun Preacher at the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles on September 21," a source told the publication.

"She spoke to him and he charmed her. It was love at first sight! They had a hot hookup after the afterparty."

Sarah is said to be being coy about the intimate details but she did not have an issue letting the world know about her new pal.

"Um. Gerard Butler just hugged me," she tweeted on September 22. "Called me a good friend. AND invited me to the Chateau. Die twice."

She later spoke about meeting the Hollywood A-Lister at

"I met Gerard Butler, he's super nice!" she said on the video blog.

Gerard also reportedly had a short romance with new Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reality star Brandi Glanville recently. (C) Cover Media
