Goldie Hawn open about sex

24th September 2012

Goldie Hawn chose to frankly discuss the realities of intercourse with her children as they were growing up.

The legendary 66-year-old actress is mother to Oliver Hudson, 36, Kate Hudson, 33, and Wyatt Russell, 26.

Goldie never strayed away from talking about sex with her family when they were youths.

"[I] had conversations about sex with [my] kids all the time," she said on Anderson Cooper Monday.

Goldie discussed her best-selling parenting book 10 Mindful Minutes at length while on Anderson's programme.

A pole-dancing grandmother who performs in front of her progeny made a guest appearance on the talk show and Goldie isn't quite sure whether or not she'd go that far with her brood.

"Pole dancing has a connotation," Goldie explained.

"Anytime you're creating something for children, branding it next to something that has a connotation of sexuality to me is the problem."

Goldie's tome 10 Mindful Minutes was released last year and is a 2011 finalist in the Books for a Better Life Award.

Tags: Goldie Hawn,