Gouthami to make a comeback?

6th April 2012

Fifteen years after she called it quits to play the real-life role of Kamal Haasan's life partner, Gouthami is all set to make a comeback into films.

Gouthami is the official costume designer for Haasan's epic tale Vishwaroop (Vishwaroopam in Tamil). That is not as easy as it sounds. Gouthami had to dress up over a 100 characters, who go through different periods of transition in their lives. When contacted, Gouthami admitted that the costumes in Vishwaroop were a daunting task. "But I enjoyed the challenge. I was only worried how my daughter Subbalaksmi would react to my returning to work for the first time since her birth 12 years ago. Luckily for me, my daughter has been most supportive."

Now Gouthami is all set to return to acting.

According to reliable sources, one hears that Kamal Haasan has a special role for her in his Hindi-Tamil-Telugu tri-lingual Amar Hai. 


Tags: Kamal Haasan, Gouthami,