Gwyneth Paltrow dances to fitness

8th February 2011

(Cover) - EN Star Style - Gwyneth Paltrow achieved her slender figure by doing dance aerobics, although she used to be a horrid dancer.

The 38-year-old American actress is famed for her toned body, and has received support from personal trainer to the stars Tracy Anderson.

Tracy has revealed some of Gwyneths top fitness secrets, and admits the Hollywood beauty has become an accomplished dancer since taking on a dance-based keep-fit programme.

We do dance aerobics using hip-hop and jazz moves, working every muscle group. Gwyneth is a great dancer now, but was horrid when we first started! laughed Tracy.

Apparently Gwyneth works out six times a week for almost two hours, blending a mixture of Pilates and dance. Tracy has joked that sometimes Gwyneth looks like a circus performer when she does yoga exercise, because she doesnt like staying in the same position for too long.

She doesnt hold poses, she moves constantly. So she might sit on top of a gym bar, swinging her legs, or kneel on a mat with a hand weight resting on her leg, which she lifts up and down 40 times. I think to think of it as circus more than yoga! Tracy told the British edition of Glamour magazine. (C) Cover Media
