Halle Berry interviewed by police'

25th January 2012

Halle Berry was interviewed by the Los Angeles Police Department for about an hour today, according to reports.

The actress was concerned following allegations that her ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry assaulted their three-year-old daughter's nanny during an altercation last week.

The former couple have been embroiled in a custody dispute over Nahla for some time and there is said to be "no love lost" between them.

It had been reported by RadarOnline that "Gabriel and the nanny got into an argument because no one alerted her that Nahla didn't go to school."

Sources told the site that Gabriel was allegedly verbally abusive towards the nanny and "shoved her out the door so hard she hit the wall while she had Nahla in her arms."

"Investigators interviewed Halle for about an hour," insiders told the site today. "Even though she wasn't a witness to the event that occurred with the nanny and Gabriel, she has a very strong narrative about what the nanny had told her had been occurring over the past several months.

"Halle wanted law enforcement to have all relevant information. There is absolutely no love lost between Halle and Gabriel."

Halle was also visited by the Los Angeles County Department of Child and Family Services today over the claims, which is apparently a routine procedure.

Gabriel has denied touching the nanny and claims that she tripped while holding Nahla.

The Oscar winner and Canadian model are due back in court on Monday where Halle is expected to ask the judge to strip Gabriel of his custody rights until the criminal investigation is concluded.

Tags: Halle Berry,