Hugh Jackman: I might become a vegan

6th September 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Hugh Jackman has revealed he is considering becoming a vegan.

The Hollywood hunk says he may adopt the healthier diet and ban all animal products of any kind from his daily meals – including eggs, dairy products and meat.

Hugh has written about his eating plans in the foreword to Brendan Brazier’s new book Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life.

There's every chance that I will be a vegan by the time you read this," the actor writes. "I am no longer interested in the 'at any costs' part of the equation [when preparing for a role]."

Hugh adopted a vegan diet to prepare for his role in 2009 movie Wolverine. In order to buff up his physique to play the X-Men character, he ate every two to three hours. He completed vigorous workouts each morning for up to 90 minutes and cut all carbohydrates out of his diet after 6pm.

Hugh only consumed natural unprocessed foods and ate several small meals rather than three large ones. (C) Cover Media
