Jack Black wants Brangelina wedding invite

19th April 2012

Jack Black has no intention of buying Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie a wedding gift until he receives an invite to their nuptials.

The American actor worked with Angelina on the animated Kung Fu Panda movies. He is delighted that her partner of around seven years Brad has popped the question but doesn't think the wedding is imminent.

"That's a ways down the road," he laughed to E! Online.

"I haven't received any invite, so let's not get ahead of ourselves... I don't have to get a present until I'm invited, right? And then I've got a whole year - isn't that the rule?"

Jack was speaking while promoting his movie Bernie, which is about a mortician who becomes close to an elderly widow. It also stars Shirley MacLaine and the 77-year-old star has her own theory about when the superstar couple will tie the knot.

"Maybe they'll string this thing out like they should - and not get married at all!" she said.

Angelina and Jack have struck up a friendship after working together, with Angelina gifting Jack's wife one of her old maternity dresses when she was pregnant. He returned the favour by giving her a The Brady Bunch DVD box set and also made her an origami birthday card last year.

The pair have bonded over their shared sense of rumour. When promoting Kung Fu Panda 2 last year, they mused about which of them would triumph in a fight.

"I can't imagine fighting you," Angelina said. "It would be opposite styles... I think I have a longer reach."

Jack replied: "I feel like you probably know 12 ways to kill me. I don't really know any ways, but I outweigh you, and they say that is an advantage. My advantage would just be crushing you. But you're very lithe and limber. I don't know. That would be a battle."

Tags: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Jack Black,