Jackson Coroner: Murray medical files sparse

6th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Michael Jackson's coroner investigator Elissa Fleak has denied making fatal mistakes on reports regarding the singer's death.

Dr. Conrad Murray has been accused of administering a lethal dosage of drug Propofol to Jackson in June 2009 which resulted in the singer's death. Fleak took to the stand at the Murray's trial today.

Defense attorney Ed Chernoff contended that Fleak made a number of errors while preparing reports on Jackson's death during the coroner's inquiry. Chernoff commented that Fleak neglected to note that she found a bottle of Propofol inside an IV bag in the singer's bedroom in reports until March 2011, nearly two years after Jackson's death.

Chernoff questioned whether Fleak heard the details of the Propofol bottle from someone else.

Fleak contends that she made no errors in reports during her investigation. She does admit to accidentally touching a syringe on the scene in the late singer's bedroom.

Fleak also revealed that she asked Murray to provide detailed medical records on Jackson to the coroner's office. Murray delivered a slim file which detailed chest colds, but made no reference to the surgical anaesthetic he was taking nightly to put him to sleep. Some test results were also in the file, including a 2007 heart scan, but very little related to pharmaceuticals.

Jurors are expected to hear a recorded police interview later today where Murray claims he didn't keep thorough records on Jackson because the singer was concerned about privacy.

Murray is also thought to be taking the stand in his defence this afternoon.

Murray has denied the allegations against him. If convicted the 58-year-old physician may face up to four years in prison. The trial is expected to last another six weeks. (C) Cover Media
