Jared Leto: India is mind-blowing

27th April 2012

Jared Leto was amazed by India.

The 30 Seconds to Mars musician retreated to the country to find inspiration for the band's fourth upcoming studio album.

Jared felt enriched by Indian culture.

"I was recording in India, and had an amazing experience over there, and came back with some really great material," he told MTV News. "And not so much that this is a World Beat record, it's more about the experiences and how they're influencing me in creative terms, emotional terms."

Jared felt flooded with inspiration as he took in his surroundings.

"There was one afternoon that we climbed up above a city called Jodhpur, we were on a cliff with a 2000-year-old fortress behind us," he shared. "And they call it the blue city; all of the roofs and buildings are painted blue, and when you climb up this mountain you can get a great view of all of it."

"So it was about sunset, and I had a portable set up, so we started recording. I had an external speaker, and the kids started to hear this song I was working on. So they started climbing out onto the rooftops of the city, and soon they were scrambling up the side of this mountain, and before we knew it, we were surrounded by dozens of these amazing Indian kids, singing and dancing along to this recording process... it was really mind-blowing."

Tags: Jared Leto,