Jason Momoa: I am the perfect Conan

29th August 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Jason Momoa believes he is the "perfect" man to portray Conan the Barbarian.

The 32-year-old actor is the star of the newly released film. He realises that Conan fans tend to be diehard and hopes that they welcome his representation of the fantasy legend.

"I'm not sure [if fans welcome me as Conan]. I try to stay away [from opinions]. I don't have an email and I don't check on computers," Jason explained to SFX magazine. "Hopefully they'll love it. It's my interpretation of it, and I've built the character from the ground up. I totally respect them and want them to like it."

Conan the Barbarian was created by writer Robert Howard in 1932.

Jason believes that now is a fortuitous time to resurrect the character in film form.

"Why's the time right [to bring Conan into the spotlight]? Because now I'm available!" Jason laughed. "They've been waiting for me! I'm at that perfect spot in my career where it's like, Alright! I think we can start the Conan franchise up again. We've got our guy and he'd perfect! Let's do this!'" (C) Cover Media
