Jason Sudeikis has Oscar plan

25th January 2012

Jason Sudeikis has joked he wants to win an Oscar by the time he's 50, and die "as close" to the ceremony as possible for maximum impact.

The Hollywood funnyman has been considering his future career plans. Receiving an Academy Award before he dies would be the pinnacle of the 36-year-old star's plans.

"I'm going to win an Oscar at 50 - definitely," he said in an interview with Mr. Porter.

"And I'm going to die at 49-and-a-half to ensure I get that Oscar. I need to die as close to the Oscar ceremony as possible so I'm the last person in the montage of dead people they show every year. That's the best spot, you know."

Jason has also gone as far as to the plan the cause of his death.

"It'll be in a hot tub, with my entire head squeezed into a jet," he described.

"The photos are going to be hilarious. Man, I really hope the internet sticks around so people can reference this article in my obituaries and see that what sounds like a joke was actually amazingly prescient."

Jason is currently dating Hollywood beauty Olivia Wilde, but has been linked to a string of women in the past including Jennifer Aniston and January Jones.

The actor always feels a bit dumbfounded when he reads such reports.

"Uh, it is a little odd being chased around [by the press]. Fortunately all of the stories have been very flattering to me but it is weird to read stories that are completely untrue and you think, 'Where did this come from? Who is this source?' Like, there was a story that Jennifer Aniston and I were dating. Obviously she's dealt with it for years so she's as cool as a cucumber about the whole thing but I'm like, 'How did they even come up with that?' It's weird, and it would be easy to let it make you close up as a person, but you have to choose not to be that way," he said.

"You know, I think those magazines should hire me because I think I'd be really good at writing those articles. I'm pretty intuitive and good at making insinuations."

Tags: Jason Sudeikis,