Javier Bardem To Star In A Film About Chilean Miners

13th October 2010

October 13, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Hollywood actor Javier Bardem will next be seen in a film based on the plights of miners in Chile, who were recently in news after it was found out that the workers remained trapped inside the mines for a span of 67 days. The yet-to-be-titled film is thus based on the true story of 33 men, all of them miners in Chile, who had to remain underground for more than two months, with the government facing much criticism after failing to get them out of the hell hole sooner than they did.

Reports say that the mine workers were trapped underground after one of the mines collapsed. While the rescue operations have begun in Chile, some miners are yet to be pulled out and for them it has already been more than two months now inside the mines.

Needless to say, the story has grabbed the attention of the worldwide media and now movie moguls are trying to cash in on the popularity of the subject. It has not been confirmed as to what role actor Javier Bardem will be portraying onscreen in the upcoming film about the Chilean miners. According to reports from Hollywood, the producers will get in touch with the trapped workers in San Jose to get a first hand account of the experiences of the trapped miners. A 622 meter rescue tunnel has been put into place to pull out the trapped workers from underground.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Javier Bardem,