Jeremy Renner: Movies are like kids

7th August 2012

Jeremy Renner says picking his favourite movie is like choosing "your favourite child".

The actor has seen his career take off in recent years after appearing in a string of huge movies including The Hurt Locker, Avengers Assemble and The Bourne Legacy. The 41-year-old says it is impossible for him to pick a favourite out of the vast number of films he's starred in.

"My favourite movie... it's difficult to say," Jeremy admitted to Australian radio's Kyle and Jackie O. "It's a bit like having to choose which is your favourite child."

Jeremy features in the latest Bourne movie following the departure of Matt Damon. He found it tough to abide by some of the rules surrounding the top secret nature of The Bourne Legacy's script.

"They flew the script in at midnight and you were allowed to look at it for two hours before they flew it back. I'm a slow reader anyway so I felt pressured," Jeremy explained. "I had to really rifle through it! I mean what were they going to do, have it burst into flames on me or something?!"

Although he felt stressed, Jeremy agrees with the principle. The actor respects the need for secrecy with storylines in the film industry.

"We are in the age where nothing is sacred or private anymore. It gets to the point where no one wants to come see movies if they know the ending anymore so why spoil it for people?" Jeremy continued. "Especially in a big franchise like Bourne where there is a big fan base."

Although Jeremy is always careful to keep his scripts hidden, accidents do happen. His Avengers co-star Samuel L. Jackson was mortified when he was responsible for a problem.

"Samuel L. Jackson left his script for The Avengers on a photocopier. He was pretty upset by that, I don't know how it happened. You don't want to be the one responsible for the plot getting leaked. It's serious!" Jeremy exclaims. "Samuel's a great dude. He's just as cool as you imagine and even more so."

Tags: Matt Damon, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, The Hurt Locker, The Bourne Legacy, The Avengers,