Julianne Hough: Cruise song was surreal

7th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Julianne Hough knew she'd made it when Tom Cruise burst into song in front of her and Russell Brand started dancing.

The 23-year-old star appears in Rock of Ages alongside Tom, Russell, Mary J. Blige, Alec Baldwin, Catherine Zeta-Jones and many others. It's about a young couple that fall in love during the 80s rock music scene and Julianne was thrilled to win the part of Sherrie Christian.

She knew she'd be nervous about working with so many famous faces, but it really hit her when she sat down to discuss lines with her co-stars.

"There were so many and you just try to act real cool. I guess it might have been the table read. People were acting out and singing the musical numbers. Mary J. Blige is singing to everyone in the room and then Tom Cruise starts singing and then Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand break out in this dance they just learned," Julianne recalled. "It's was this surreal moment like, wow, we're a part of something special here, this is pretty crazy. It just made everyone involved work so much harder and be more inspired."

The actress also appears in the upcoming remake of Footloose. She is a professional dancer and was thrilled to be cast in the movie, especially as she shares many traits with her character Ariel Moore.

"I think that she definitely holds up her walls like she is this bad girl but she's a little girl on the inside. That's what I do. I put my hard face on and cry on the inside," she told Parade.

Life isn't all about work for Julianne, though.

She is dating Ryan Seacrest and the pair make sure they find time to spend together.

Both of them are very busy in their professional lives and their careers mean a lot to them, which is why Julianne thinks their romance works.

"We always joke that we're the same person," she laughed. "It's cool to have somebody in this world but not doing the exact same thing as you so you can have that support and understanding." (C) Cover Media
