Justin Bieber: Don't text and drive

12th July 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Justin Bieber is urging his young fans not to text and drive in a hard-hitting new campaign.

The singer is promoting responsible text messaging through a new app which disables a driver's ability to text, email and use all keyboard functions if driving over ten miles an hour.

When the driver's car has stopped for more than five seconds then all functionality is returned and missed texts and emails will be put through.

Justin is working with the Remember Alex Brown Foundation, which was set up after the teen tragically died in an accident while texting and driving.

"As a 17-year-old driver, I am aware of the countless distractions that we teenagers face on the road, and texting is one that is preventable," Justin said about the campaign.

"There are too many young people, like Alex Brown, whom we've lost because of texting while driving, and it is my hope that through this partnership with PhoneGuard, we will raise awareness of this issue and create safer conditions for everyone on the road."

Over 1,000 people die in accidents caused by texting while driving every year in the US. (C) Cover Media
