Justin Bieber says no to sex without love

16th February 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Justin Bieber insists sex should be saved for someone you love, but stopped short of promoting abstinence before marriage.

The 16-year-old star is a heartthrob for millions of girls worldwide, who have fallen for his floppy hair and cheeky personality. He is understood to be in a relationship with singer Selena Gomez, and although he refuses to discuss his private life in depth he has touched on some of his values in a new interview.

I don't think you should have sex with anyone unless you love them, he told Rolling Stone. I think you should just wait for the person you're... in love with.

Although Justin has repeatedly referred to Selena as just a good friend, rumours persist there is more to their relationship. The speculation seems to be reinforced by the magazines writer Vanessa Grigoriadis, who claims Justin has a picture of him and Selena standing in front of a sunset as his computer screensaver. The young star was reportedly quick to get rid of the image but he realised it had been noticed.

Although he dislikes revealing the intimacies of his life, Justin was happy to chat about some of his opinions. He has views on the political situation in Korea, even though he doesnt have a great understanding of the way hell vote when he is old enough.

I'm not sure about the parties, he admitted. But whatever they have in Korea, that's bad.

Justin also spoke about abortion, revealing he does not agree with it. He was then asked some tough questions about his stance, but refused to budge.

I really don't believe in abortion. It's like killing a baby? he said, before being asked his views on the topic in the case of rape victims. Um. Well, I think that's really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I guess I haven't been in that position, so I wouldn't be able to judge that.

Justin is proud of his Canadian heritage, and would never dream of giving up his citizenship. He remains unconvinced about the way the government handles things in America, citing healthcare as a particular area of concern.

Canada's the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don't need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you're broke because of medical bills," he said. "My [American] bodyguard's baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby's premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home." (C) Cover Media
