Justin Bieber: Whats Wrong With His Vocal Chords?

30th November 2010

November 30, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):The teen pop - R&B star Justin Bieber is undergoing very natural but problematic phase of his life. The singing sensation is undergoing the physical changes that every guy of his age faces due to puberty.

However, in case of Justin, it is taking toll on his vocal chords, which is his identity. The constantly changing vocal chords are creating problem for the 16-year-old to adjust with his singing.

A source was quoted saying that unlike other guys, Justin had a slow development rate during this time. And the most effective change is observed in his breaking voice. Now, our chocolate boy Bieber is turning a man!

But, Bieber is finding it quite difficult so he is taking advice from voice expert and vocal coach Jan Smith. He is under constant guidance of Smith, who takes care of the things like his live performances do not get affected due to these changes. However, nothing can stop Bieber from performing for his fans and he is continuously doing a lot of live shows.

Justins rap icon Usher also took guidance from Smith when he was undergoing puberty changes. Considering Smiths experience with Usher, we are sure that Justin should not worry about his changing voice because Smith will always guide him to have a control over his vocal chords!

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Justin Bieber,