Jon Bon Jovi: What Keeps Him Away From Politics?

30th November 2010



November 30, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Academy Award nominated American musician Jon Bon Jovi has been closely associated with politics since 2004, when he toured extensively in support of the then Presidential candidate John Kerry. Since then, he has been associated with various political activities but the musician is not interested to join direct politics personally.


What keeps him away from joining politics when he can campaign and support other politicians? He appeared at the rallies for the Kerry-Edwards ticket across the United States. Former Vice President Al Gore introduced him and later in 2008, Barack Obama also got his support for the Presidential run. He conducted a fund raising concert for him at his home.

However, when it comes to his joining politics, Jon Bon Jovi clearly avoids saying that politics is for thick skinned people. The 48-year-old musician does not consider himself to be suitable person for politics. However, he is not taking his steps back from supporting the people whom he believes can be good leaders. It seems that Jon wants to be remembered as the kingmaker and the not the King!

On the music front, Jon has performed in more than 2,700 concerts in over 50 countries. John has also been recording for last 30 years and is still offering the best of music. So, at this point of time, he is not wrong to concentrate only in music, which is his passion. May be, we can see him in the hardcore politic s after some more years!

--Sampurn Wire

