Justin Long considering career in porn

10th September 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Justin Long would love to direct or write scripts for porn movies.

The actor is currently promoting his movie Going the Distance, about a couple in a long distance relationship. He isnt sure what he will do once the press tours stop as he doesnt have anything in the pipeline at the moment, although he does have some ideas.

Justin is considering moving into the adult entertainment business, although he knows people wont take him seriously if he does.

I know this is going to sound like a joke but Ive been looking at some potential jobs in the porn industry, he told Australian newspaper The Age. Maybe as a performer, director or storyboard artist. So thats something in the next 12 months that I have set my sights on.

Justin insists working in explicit films wouldnt be a drastic departure from what he does at the moment. Whatever he does, he just wants to be challenged by his work and not play the same character over and over again.

Id like to play the same character but I want the storylines to be more graphic, he said. Ive been trying to hold off and be more selective. In order to do that, you have to be willing not to work, which is really hard for me because I miss it. (C) Cover Media
