Justin Timberlake happy being the rookie

13th November 2011

Justin Timberlake says acting is a "rush" because he feels like a "rookie" again.

The star has been carving out a successful career in Hollywood, having appearing in movies such as The Social Network and In Time. He relished the challenge of taking a break from music to concentrate on acting.

"It's definitely fun. It's a rush to feel like the rookie," he told the December issue of Esquire.

Justin was bowled over when David Fincher asked him to read for a role in The Social Network. He has been a huge fan of David's work for many years and couldn't believe he was handed such an opportunity.

"All of a sudden you get an Oscar-nominated director who calls and says, I'm intrigued by what you would bring to this character. Come and read for it.'

"And that Oscar-nominated director happens to be a director who changed the way you watched movies," he added. "I remember the first time that I saw Fight Club, I think, I went back to the theatre three days in a row. And then you have the opportunity to sit in front of someone like that and hear what they had to say, even if he never calls you again."

Justin was thrilled to land the role of Sean Parker in the movie. He loved the script and was proud to be involved in such a successful project.

"I feel like I owe so much to David Fincher and to Aaron Sorkin because they both really took a chance on me," he explained.

Tags: David Fincher, Justin Timberlake, Aaron Sorkin, Fight Club, The Social Network, In Time,