Katie Holmes: I need a timetable

6th September 2012

Katie Holmes is a "schedule person" so doesn't mind performing on stage every night.

The actress is opening Broadway comedy Dead Accounts at the end of November. Katie likes mixing up her acting projects - even if she does find them a challenge.

"I'm a schedule person. I like to have a routine. You're also very in touch with your audience - they're very much a part of the show, which is obviously something you don't have in film. You get to know people in a different way. The matinee audience is obviously very different from the Saturday night audience. You learn about material you really start to understand what works and what doesn't," she told WWD.

"I think both film and stage are so challenging, but in different ways. With film, yeah, you have another take, but a lot of the time you're losing the light, so you better nail it on that take. I haven't found any part of acting to be easy."

Katie has hit headlines of late following her high-profile divorce from Tom Cruise. The 33-year-old star has been on the receiving end of the frenzied press, but insists she has nothing bad to say.

"I have a lot of feelings about the press," she smiled. "There are a lot of people with much bigger problems and who are less fortunate. I try to keep it all in perspective."

Tags: Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes,