Brandon Flowers terrified of leaving Vegas

6th September 2012

Brandon Flowers is "gripped by some weird fear" whenever he thinks of moving away from Las Vegas.

The Killers frontman has lived in Sin City for the majority of his life. He knows many can't understand why he stays in the area, which is famed for gambling and fast living. Brandon is a teetotal Mormon and his religious beliefs are important to him, but he insists they don't stop him loving Las Vegas.

"I think about it all the time. I'm gripped by some weird fear," he replied to Shortlist magazine, when asked if he ever considers moving. "I'm so attached to it, I feel like I would lose some part of my identity. It somehow prepared me for this because I was always around it. Even if your family wasn't doing it you knew about the hookers and strip clubs."

The Killers are back with their new album Battle Born after taking some time out. Brandon has spent it thinking about their career to date.

He is proud of what they have achieved, but isn't sure he is that important when they tour these days.

"A lot of these songs play themselves a little bit now. They don't belong to us anymore," he said. "As soon as you fire up Brightside or Human or When You Were Young, something happens. I facilitate it, but I don't know that I'm totally needed."
