Katy Perry crazy about learning

29th July 2012

Katy Perry is the "biggest sponge" and loves learning.

The singer left high school to pursue her music career. Katy has never lost the desire to expand her mind and believes this inspires her songs.

"I was the biggest sponge. I still am. I have a deer in the headlights look about me. I love learning," she told UK magazine Radio Times. "I have a desire to know more at all times, to never stop. It's important to evolve and grow as an artist."

The star is currently promoting her new documentary Katy Perry: Part of Me.

The movie contains footage of her on tour and also follows the breakdown of her marriage to British comic Russell Brand.

Although she is no longer with Russell, Katy is determined to remain dignified in the wake of the split.

"It's easy to air your dirty laundry it's very easy and people do it all the time in the most un-classy ways, but that's why I'm here,"

Tags: Katy Perry,