Kelly Osbourne makes LGBT apology

18th November 2011

Kelly Osbourne has made a sincere apology to the transgender community for her recent offensive comments.

Kelly slammed her ex-fianc Luke Worrall in a recent interview for having an affair with model Elle Schneider. Elle, who was born a man, is preparing to undergo gender reassignment surgery.

Kelly was mortified by the infidelity, RadarOnline reports.

"Having to tell my parents my fianc had cheated on me with a tranny who sold his/her story to the press was the most uncomfortable moment. It was so humiliating," Kelly told UK Glamour magazine.

"Everyone kept telling me that Luke was cheating on me, but I never believed them. It's hard enough to get your head around someone cheating on you, but when someone is a chick with a d**k? Up until then, I'd always thought that the worst way to get cheated on would be with an ugly girl. Don't you think?"

The LGBT community was deeply offended by Kelly's comments. The star quickly addressed the conflict.

"As a lifelong LGBT lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ally and friend, I feel it is my duty to not only apologise for my wrong but to also correct it," Kelly wrote to GLAAD, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation today.

"The word tr*nny' is a derogatory and hurtful word. I was completely ignorant to this and soon came to realise most of my peers and LGBT friends are too. This is a word I will no longer use or allow," she continued.

"Transgender people are some of the bravest people on Earth and among the LGBT community. I cannot imagine the courage it takes to live your life openly and honestly, reflecting who you truly are, or the hurt that comes from having to hide who you are because others may not support and accept you. My sincerest apologies to any ally or member of the LGBT community whom I have hurt or offended."

Leading advocates in the LGBT community seem to have accepted Kelly's apology.

Marti, Editor of Transadvocate, had been shocked by Kelly's callous comments but now credits her for heartfelt apology.

"With this post Kelly has proven she is a responsible ally to the transgender community. She made a mistake that was borne of ignorance, not malice," Marti Abernathey editor of Transadvocate told GLAAD.

"She's turned a mistake into a teachable moment. That is what an ally does. Thank you Kelly!"

National Transgender Day of Remembrance will be observed on November 20 in the US.
