Kendra Wilkinson: Spontaneity is sexy

9th April 2012

Kendra Wilkinson and her husband "have fun being spontaneous."

The 26-year-old The Girls Next Door star has two-year-old son Hank Baskett Jr. with her husband Hank Sr.

In order to keep their love life sizzling Kendra and Hank often make love on the spur of the moment.

"So Hank's like, Come in the kitchen!' and I'm like, Okay,' so we go in the kitchen, and we just hit it right there," Kendra told OK! magazine. "We have fun just being spontaneous and we don't want to be stuck in the bedroom. When we know baby Hank's in his room doing his thing You never know."

Kendra believes that her relationship with Hank works well because they balance each other out.

"We're not in competition," she explained. "Hank doesn't want what I want, and I don't want what Hank wants. Hank wants to figure out how he can have his own identity and so do I."

Kendra suffered from postpartum depression after she gave birth to Hank Jr.

She advises new mothers to treat themselves from time to time.

"Don't go by the book at all," Kendra said. "At the beginning, of course, you're going to put all your love, energy and attention to the baby, which is definitely natural, but then you've got to start finding the time for yourself again. My first time going out and getting my nails done was like the biggest thing for me and don't feel guilty!".
