Kim Kardashian accepts her body

21st June 2011

(Cover) - EN Star Style - Kim Kardashian says she will never be "that stick-skinny girl".

The reality TV star is famed for her stunning beauty and enviable curves. Despite not being happy with everything about the way she looks, Kim says women should learn to appreciate what they've been given in the beauty department.

"People have to understand you don't really have a choice you're born with your body type," she mused in an interview with Closer magazine. "I can never be that stick-skinny girl, or tall. But I can choose to take care of myself, work out and eat healthily."

Kim has revealed her daily diet and exercise routines. The 30-year-old is getting married to her fianc Kris Humphries this summer and says that she's gearing up for the wedding, although she does allow herself some treats.

"I'm cutting down on junk food before the big day, but if I feel like a milkshake, I have one," she confessed. "I have oatmeal with bananas for breakfast and grilled chicken salad for lunch. I snack on carrots and have fish, veg and green tea before bed.

"I do a cardio workout three to five times a week jogging on the treadmill for 30 minutes, then weights to keep my thighs and butt toned."

Kim says she has food vices, despite trying to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. The raven-haired star was particularly tempted in New York, where she found the pizzas to be especially delicious.

"I got to know the pizza in New York really well! I probably gained 10lbs there. I just saw pizza and hotdogs everywhere," she added. (C) Cover Media
