Kim Kardashian annoyed with annulment

1st December 2011

Kim Kardashian believes her estranged husband's latest legal efforts are "pathetic."

Kim filed for divorce from professional basketball player Kris Humphries after 72 days of marriage in October.

In response to Kim's request for divorce, Kris is reportedly planning to have the marriage annulled so that any record of them ever being wed will be cleared entirely.

Kim is incredulous at Kris' plan.

"[Kim thinks this move is] pathetic," a source told TMZ. "Why fight over any of this?"

In order to win the annulment, Kris must prove that that fraud was committed when cementing their union.

Kris and Kim's August wedding cost over $10 million. The four-hour television special of the ceremony was featured on E! network in early October.

Kris and his upset family have spoken before about the wedding possibly being a publicity ploy for one of Kim's reality programmes.

Kim absolutely discounts this speculation, contending that she married for love.

"She said she could have done the divorce way better if it were a fake marriage," the source explained. "Kim said, I'm no dummy. The divorce would have been just as dramatic and dragged out as the wedding.' "

Soon after Kim filed for divorce on Halloween citing irreconcilable differences, Kris said he wanted to fight for the marriage and then it was claimed he was going to sign the divorce papers.

Now it appears that Kris now wants to wipe the slate clean because he feel he has been duped.

"Kris is sensitive to marriage both emotionally and religiously," a source told People magazine.

"He went into it in good faith and never expected things to turn out this way."

Tags: Kim Kardashian,