Kim Kardashian hired investigator to follow Kris?

23rd November 2011

Kim Kardashian hired a private investigator to follow her husband Kris Humphries, it is reported.

The 30-year-old reality star had suspicions that the basketball player was cheating on her soon after their lavish nuptials in August, so had him followed.

The National Enquirer claims that aside from some late night partying, the athlete was found to have done nothing bad.

"Kim expected to hear Kris was fooling around with other women when she was working," the source told the publication. "With the right evidence, Kim thought she could gain the upper hand in the divorce."

"At the same time, she wanted to make sure he couldn't touch any of their shared assets, including the millions they made from the wedding."

Kim filed for divorce just 72 days after tying the knot with the 6' 9" star and has received a lot of negative attention ever since with claims that the whole wedding extravaganza was a hoax.

But the pair apparently had arguments and it was soon clear the union was doomed amid claims that Kris called Kim "stupid" and "fat" and her refusal to move to his native Minnesota for a quieter life.

Kim is apparently devastated that her fairytale wedding has become a running joke and "thinks the world turned against her," according to the NY Daily News.

There was some good news for the family yesterday however, as younger brother Rob came in second place on the Dancing With The Stars finale.

Tags: Kim Kardashian,