Kim Kardashian Will Travel To Dallas, For Miles Austin??

1st November 2010

Is Kim Kardashian, the reality star, all set to rekindle her romance with Miles Austin, the Dallas footballer? The star pair had in fact, gone their separate ways after dating for a total of three months.

Kardashian is apparently heading towards the southern state of Texas in order to catch the Dallas cowboys in action against the Jacksonville Jaguars, this Sunday.

Kim had also been seen flirting with Austin on Twitter. She had found his tweets to be wise after he said that one has to fall down sometimes in order to know where they actually stand. Miles did not seem to take all the credit for his wisdom though. He promptly tweeted back saying that he had stolen her quote.

Although a few wisecracks and sentimental tweets do not really imply that the bond between the two has strengthened once again, but traveling all the way to Texas just to watch a game is definitely going to be the cause of several raised eyebrows particularly in a section of the media. The tabloid headlines are likely to make hay while Kim travels to catch her football star in action too.

Kims representative was not available for commenting on this issue.

Tags: Kim Kardashian,