Kristen Stewart doesn't want perfect' character

31st May 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Kristen Stewart says no one wants to root for the "archetypal perfect girl".

The actress is currently promoting her new movie Snow White and the Huntsman, in which she plays the lead character.

The Twilight star explained that while her version of the fairy-tale princess has a good heart like the original character, the movie also reveals some flaws to make Snow White more relatable.

"I think it's pretty true to what you think Snow White would be in spirit. She is essentially good and she is very compassionate and she has a connection to the earth and the animals, but I think what we were excited to do was put her in a world of danger and see if she could actually remain that person and humanise her a bit and not make her this like fairy-tale archetypal perfect girl. It is hard to root for someone who is clearly not going to lose," she told UK TV show Freshly Squeezed.

Kristen added that while the original material from the Grimm Brothers is still valid, a few small changes had to be made to bring it up to date.

The star explained that Snow White was given certain qualities to create more of an "impact".

"The stories stick around so long because there is something in them, they are worthwhile. I think also considering they are so old, they don't have the same impact unless you change a few things. In this case it was really important to make Snow White someone who encompasses the maternal, care-taking. I think it is totally worth it," she said. (C) Cover Media
