Kristin Davis reluctant to leave home

23rd February 2012

Kristin Davis finds it hard to "get out the house" now she is a mother.

The 46-year-old star adopted daughter Gemma Rose last year. She knew parenthood would change her but had no idea how overwhelming her bond with her child would be.

"I love it," she told ET Online. "The only challenge is getting out of the house I knew this would be true but you're so attached and it's just so fun to be there that it's hard to go, even when you want to go where you're going."

The Sex and the City actress plans on being a strict mother. She has already imposed a TV ban on her daughter, although occasionally she lifts it. Although Gemma Rose is still a baby, Kristin knows there are certain events she has to be involved with.

"My parents are flying in [for the Oscars this weekend] and we're having a nice dinner," she revealed. "The baby doesn't get to watch TV very much but on certain occasions like the Super Bowl she got to watch and when everyone would run she'd be like, Woooow!' So Oscars probably the glittery dresses will catch her eye."

Kristin was talking at an event to benefit Oxfam, a charity she is an ambassador for. She discussed why that area of her work is so important to her, especially now she has a family.

"I read about Oxfam after the tsunami and I was impressed with the fact that they stayed in the area for a long time after a lot of the aid organisations had left because they're interested in helping people to get back onto their feet and to get their businesses and livelihoods [back] so they can support themselves," she explained. "It just makes you feel very connected to everyone in the world. Everyone is just trying to live a good life support their children and have enough eat and make a living."
