Lisa Kudrow is not allowed to entertain!

30th July 2012

Lisa Kudrow's son is "mortified" by his mother's dance moves.

The American actress is parent to 14-year-old son Julian with her husband of nearly 20 years Michael Stern.

Lisa rocked out to one of Julian's songs the other day and the teenager cringed as he watched his mother boogie.

"Yesterday I was with my son and it was a song he was playing. I can't remember the specific song, but I know he had to put his hands on me to get me to stop. He was mortified, I'm not allowed to sing or dance," Lisa laughed to People magazine.

Lisa rarely sends greeting cards nowadays.

"I'm an e-mail person," she explained. "I believe when someone gives you something and you say thank you,' a card is not required. Cards are when people send something and you need to let them know you received it."

Lisa doesn't indulge too often, but at times the star is unable to control her desire for calorific goodies.

"My last indulgence was when I baked brownies and ate them!" she divulged.

"I made them for a family dinner and then it was like, Yeah, well, they're here, so' And they were really good."

Tags: Lisa Kudrow,