Macy Gray: Acting is tougher than singing

2nd November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Macy Gray says she can write songs in her sleep but struggled to get into character for her new movie.

The 43-year-old music star plays a challenging and controversial role as a back street abortionist in the film For Colored Girls, which also features fellow singer Janet Jackson.

Macy is renowned for her distinctive raspy voice and ability to write catchy songs such as I Try, but the quirky singer says that while this comes naturally to her, acting takes much longer to master.

Acting is a lot more of a process, so it's different, she told the Chicago Sun-Times. I could sing and write songs in my sleep. Acting takes a while to nail a character. Music is immediate. I write a song, and two seconds later I'm singing it around my house.

Despite the fact she considers acting more of a challenge, there are rumours that Macy could be nominated for an Oscar for her complex role in the film.

Because there is so much sensitivity surrounding the role, Macy was careful to spend a lot of time researching the character, and was shocked after reading some of the statistics.

It's sad, but while doing research on abortion today, I found out that this still goes on in many neighbourhoods, she explained. In fact, there are a lot more backroom abortions than you think. Girls are ashamed to go to doctors or don't have enough money.

Macy believes that it is important for women to go and see the movie, which boasts an all-star cast, because many will identify with it.

She insists the film does not set out to portray men negatively, but it does portray relationships in a real and harsh light.

You know, the movie's intention was not to male bash, Macy added. We just catch these women when they're having real difficult relationships. The movie is realistic. The theme here is sometimes as women, you run into people who are toxic. I know every girl can relate. (C) Cover Media
