Mandy Moore doesnt stress about dieting

30th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Star Style - Mandy Moore feels best about herself when dieting is in the background of her life.

The 26-year-old actress-and-singer is celebrated for her slender frame, although she has revealed she tries not to put too much focus on the number of calories she consumes per day.

Mandy used to spend a great deal of her time fretting about the size of her body, though she has now come to realise its more important to enjoy life.

"I've just realised in time that if it's a constant thread in the background of my life, that's when I'm the happiest and that's when I feel the best about myself, she said of dieting in an interview with People magazine.

The gorgeous star wasnt always so carefree though, and has confessed that in the past she was extremely focused on exercising regularly and following a strict food regime. It got to the point where Mandy couldnt allow thoughts of her body size to leave her mind, and she realised she needed to take a more relaxed approach.

"[There have been times] when it's the first thing on my mind all the time, she added. (C) Cover Media
