Nicki Minaj lived childhood in terror

26th January 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Nicki Minaj claims she lived in fear that her father would kill her mother when she was growing up.

The 26-year-old rapper was born in Trinidad and Tobago before moving to New York as a child and has revealed she was terrified of her alcoholic, violent dad. She constantly worried for her mothers safety and says her troubled childhood made her toughen up from an early age. Nicki didnt trust other guys and admits her home situation made her feel helpless.

"All of my young and teenage early years we lived in fear that my mother would be killed by my father. It was ridiculous. It made me act out to guys and be evil to them when I was growing up, she said in an interview with British newspaper The Sun. "It made me tough. Of course it did. I am an emotional person, but I am a tough person. It was very tough emotionally for me to have a parent who was an alcoholic and a drug addict. When you don't have options you feel helpless. And I think that is the worst feeling.

"My father was violent - physically and verbally.

Nicki has learned to remove herself from negative influences in her life and knows when to move on from a bad situation.

The stars attitude has helped her to survive the tough music industry and she has enjoyed global success with her debut album Pink Friday.

Nicki has developed a reputation for delivering foul mouthed and angry lyrics in her songs and admits she doesnt think all of her material is suitable for children. She doesnt want to be a poor role model, so she encourages her younger fans to ignore the bad language and focus on their education.

"Being honest, if I had a daughter I wouldn't want her listening to a Nicki Minaj CD until she was a certain age. Even when I meet my fans and they tell me they are 12, I cringe a little, she added. "I always say, 'Listen. I don't want you saying the bad words, put school first'. At the same time, I am like their bigger sister. I'm not like their mom.

"You have to tell kids this is the real world but they don't have to go down this road. Just pay attention and do your best. (C) Cover Media
