Nostalgic Big B injured at 'Matoshree'

15th November 2012

Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan and his son Abhishek Bachchan were among the first to rush to 'Matoshree' to inquire about the health of Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray after news of him being put on life support was spread across. Unfortunately, they met an angry crowd that gathered around the latter's home.

Bachchan appealed to the crowd to stay calm, but in turn they all pounced on him as they were furious with the news of Thackerey's detoriorating health. Big B was injured with slight bruises on his arm.

Though nothing very serious, Bachchan wrote on his microblogigng page that read, "Yes both Abhishek and I were injured with cuts, but are fine and back home ... the doctors at 'Matoshree' attended on us!"

Big B also got nostalgic about his long and close relationship with Bal Thackeray and wrote various memories of them together on his microblogging page, which included , "When Jaya and I married, he called us to his house  ... and the rituals that were conducted was of the 'bahu' coming home!"

"When I was flown in to Mumbai from Bangalore in semi conscious state after 'Coolie' accident, it was his ambulance that took me to Breach Candy Hospital", he continued.

"When the Bofors Scandal accusations on us were at its peak, he called me home and asked "tell me the truth, are you involved?"  When I said "NO!” he said "Then do not worry about anything, I am with you. You are an actor; go do what you are best at".", Bachchan further wrote.

Concerned and worried about Thackeray's health, Big B concludes, "Balasaheb Thackeray : a fighter all his life, fights his life !! Prayers needed now !"

Tags: Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan,