Now Police Refuses Protection For Dunno Y, Na Jaane Kyun During Diwali! (Releasing On Nov ...

8th November 2010


November 8, 2010 (Showbiz PR Wire):Considered as Indias Brokeback bromance, DUNNO Y, Na Janne Kyun, amainstream film on a Gay relationship, is finding it tough tonegotiate hard line attitude towards the film, in spite of the article377 of the high court..

Soon after actor Kapil Sharma's house was surrounded by protesters fromthe youth wing of a right wing party to protest on the promos of thefilm depicting lovers of the same sex, a group of another protestersprotested yesterday at a hotel in Khar, Mumbai, allegedly frequentedby gays. Additionally earlier besides facing problems with thecensors, Kapil Sharma received threat mails from the right wing, whowanted to ban the film for its bold content.

Moreover, the film which was supposed to release on Diwali has facefurther trouble, since the police which was supposed to giveprotection at all the theatres where DUNNO Y, Na Jaane Kyun wassupposed to release, has now backed out.

According to sources, since there will be a heavy bandobast ofthe police for Diwali, there will not be any more forces to deploy atthe theatres. Moreover, it coincides with the the visit of PresidentObama to India, so the forces will be deployed heavily in Mumbai forhis visit.

Taking everything into consideration, including the interest of thedistributors and various stakeholders in the project, the makers ofthe controversial film DUNNO Y , Na Jaane Kyun, felt that it would beprudent to release the controversial film the following week onNovember 12th.

Says Kapil Sharma Conservative right wing parties are afraid of theDunno Y, liberal outlook and are wary that it might change perceptionand encourage more mainstream film makers to make film on Gays,without resorting to parody on gays. Gay relationship is so proudlyshowcased in the sculptors of Khajuraho, as well as in the Kamasutra.So what are they talking about hurting the sensibilities and thecountrys culture.

There are some security concerns but I am proud of the fact the factthat Dunno Y, is Indias first mainstream gay love story, but alsoits more than just a story on homosexuality, as it is a multi-layeredfilm on relationship. The film will now release on November 12th.

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Karmic Media

--Showbiz PR Wire



