Oprah Winfrey calms staff

21st March 2012

Oprah Winfrey reportedly did all she could to calm the nerves of her staff members after having to fire 30 people recently.

The media titan's television network OWN has been having issues and has not been as successful as she had hoped.

It was announced earlier this week that Oprah culled many of her employees but TMZ reports that she held a town hall meeting to explain why she had to make the decision she did.

Sources told the site that Oprah explained she had a duty to the board of directors about the cost of the network and with the poor ratings and advertising low, she had no option.

She added that with the fiscal year ending on March 31, she had to make sure that OWN was still financially viable come April 1 or the whole network could be in trouble.

Insiders added that the former talk show host is being "extremely generous" with the severance packages she is offering and some people are even getting paid out for the duration of their contracts.

The mogul also apparently brought in some recruiters to help fired staff find new jobs in an aim to soften the blow.
