Kris Humphries lawyers to grill Kim about Oprah chat

19th June 2012

Kris Humphries' lawyers are reportedly planning to question his estranged wife Kim Kardashian on comments she made during her recent interview with Oprah Winfrey.

The reality star was asked by her mother Kris Jenner on the day before her lavish ceremony if she wanted to call the whole event off.

Kim said she "didn't have an inkling" about any doubts but "everyone around me did" including her mother who asked if she wanted "out."

"This goes to the heart of Kris' claim against Kim, that the marriage was fraudulent and that he was duped into marrying her," a source told RadarOnline.

"Kris' lawyers will grill Kim about the specifics of her conversation with her mother on the eve of her wedding. What was exactly said and why did Kris say that to her daughter?

"Kim's explanation of why her mom asked her just doesn't make sense. There is a lot more going on to this than the public knows, and Kris wants answers. Kris was left in the dark, and it was very hurtful for him to hear that Kim was bored with him."

Meanwhile, it seems that Kris hasn't burned all of his bridges with the Kardashian family as Kim's sister Khlo told TMZ yesterday that "Kris is a good guy."

Tags: Kim Kardashian,